Saturday, November 29, 2008

Some things to talk about...

There are lots of things I'd like to discuss and I have some time to type because we're hanging at the hotel today to get settled despite being restless from the bus trip.

First of all I'd like to just let everyone know that these events are no representation of how this trip has been at all! Thailand is a beautiful and wonderful place and each and every one of the students on this trip have experienced something awesome! We love it here and I personally would like to let everyone know that traveling to Thailand is something everyone should experience. People here are incredibly giving and nice. Everyone smiles at you when you walk down the street... it's great.

Another thing I want to mention is the misrepresentation and bias of news. It's becoming obvious that overseas it's very easy for things to be misinterpreted or misunderstood. Being in this conflict and seeing it the way a Thai person might (obviously it'd be a bit different) makes me realize that when I hear from someone back in the States what they think is going on it's sometimes completely different. It's interesting to find out what rumors are being spread... at first people thought we were stuck at the airport but obviously that's not the case.

On to today's matters... the first being what we did. We went shopping for a little bit and we went to this ice cream place for a snack. Through this experience we found that Phuket is very touristy. That's a bit disappointing because I don't really want my travel to be like this. I don't like it when I don't have a chance to socialize with the locals. Anyways we were waiting for some people to pay within the ice cream store and all of a sudden two teenagers got in a motor bike accident right in front of our eyes. They skidded for a bit and then when they were on the ground jumped up and got on the bike and drove away. It didn't look like they were hurt at first but I saw a good deal of road-rash on one of their legs. Anyways, halfway through the ordeal a man saw us staring at the accident and just came up and asked if we needed a taxi like it nothing even happened.

Another funny story... we were riding in the elevator and conveniently they it beeps to notify if the weight is too much to ride. It said 1000kg MAX and 15 people. We had about six people in the elevator and it was too much. Just tells you something about how different Americans are built than Thais. Thai people are so small. If you are shopping here don't expect to always find a size big enough for you.

Things are going well. We are enjoying our relaxing days. Bye.


R Crow said...

Well it is good to hear you all arrived in Phuket ok....and now you have to relax? Maybe do some homework? Ha! Just kidding...

You know as far as the rumors, I did hear from others that you were stuck at the airports or somewhere else. I kept thinking all they have to do is read this blog and they would know exactly what was going on.

I checked the weather there and it looks like it won't be too warm for your stay! Looks like an interesting place. I am certainly learning about the geography in that part of the world...I know Ms Anderson is probably snickering!

Take care and enjoy some down time! Love, Mrs. Crow

Geoff V said...

We are so happy that you have begun the journey home and you have arrived in Phuket. So relax and enjoy your stay. But hurry home, because we miss you all terribly, especially you, Rachel.
Love Geoff and Jody

Unknown said...

Hello all, After 3 weeks I have discovered this blog. Yes, I am an old person; wife of Mike. It takes me awhile to learn. You are all in our prayers and thoughts. I'm sure a week of rest and relaxation will be enjoyed by everyone. But we do look forward to everyone getting home. What a memory you will all have. Have fun in Phuket and a safe trip home. Tell Mike HI for me Margaret

R Crow said...

Hey Max, Ask Mr. Shimshak if he needs me to call any late starts or school closing for this week? We are to get 5-7 inches of snow to day into tomorrow morning and lots of blowing and drifting...Ha! So much for the `1-2 inches they were predicting. Madison and south are to get 6-10 inches...think of that as you are all in the balmy weather!

Laura Love said...

It has been so good to talk to many of you over Skype! If anyone doesn't have this, they should know that it's FREE from computer to computer (all you need is a mic hookup, and a webcam if you want the caller to see you).

Please plan to make contact with the parents again at the high school and let me know so I can arrange it and then contact them all!


Janel said...

So, nw that Ms Crow is learning Geography... does this mean I have to learn Calculus? (That will not be a pretty picture.)
Max, I am interested to hear that you have friends who seem misinformed. We spent quite a bit of time in all my classes on Wednesday trying to get a grip on the situation but I think - as you said, there are uances that you can never understand unless you are there. I am very curious about the class issues involved in this situation. Coup/Revolution is generally thought of as coming from the lower classes - but it seems (from what I have read) that this situation has come as a result of middle class unrest. I look forward to getting a better idea of what the people are thinking and feeling at this time once you are all home to report.
I personally have been very frustrated as the events in India seem to have sucked up every possible megabite of space for international news in American papers, TV and internet reporting.
Therefore the it is hard to get up to the minute stories about Thailand. I guess there is only room for one international story in the American media :/ I wonder if this media attention shift has impacted the protesters in Thailand and their obvious desire for attention... it is all so interesting... lots to talk about.
Hope the sand is warm and the bugs aren't biting :)

Ms A

Maxwell said...
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Vicky said...

Just to let you know we are following this blog with great interest, the tales you will have to tell!!anyhow to Rachel,Nana wants you to know there is not a day that she hasn't thought of you and she is excited to hear about all your adventures,and I am quite sure that goes for the rest of you and your loved ones.Rachel's Aunt Vicky