Monday, November 17, 2008

Almost a full week in...

which is very sad! I know everyone will miss it here. The people, food, and language are all very intriguing. Today brought more interesting stories. We all ventured by bus (the foreign exchange kids as well as the entire faculty, almost 100 people) to Bangkok by bus convey escorted by police to deliver the director of Sa-ngun Ying school to his new school that he is transferring too. On the bus they showed The Fast and the Furious and Ironman but most of the LHS kids worked on homework... right... anyways, when we got there the Thai kids were ecstatic to see us and greeted us very cheerily. We went into an air conditioned room to be served an 8 or so course meal. We sat with other kids and listened to people sing Karaoke for entertainment. The courses consisted of whole fish, whole chicken, soups, rice curries, and many other things. It was very interesting.

A couple of the kids have been feeling a bit under the weather but nothing to cause concern. We are just dealing with food adjustments here and there (to be honest but don't worry whatsoever)!!!! During the dinner Kyle and I ventured off to find the toilets and were greeted by many different types of Thai children. When we arrived at the bathroom we found Thai toilets with no toilet paper and other astonishing things. I went to the bathroom while Kyle waited outside entertaining the local school children. They were surprisingly funny and Kyle got quite the kick out of some of the things they said and did (a story for him to tell you).

After this interesting journey we went back and finished the meal. After this we went to get an introduction to their English and Exchange program (we find in other countries international education is much more important than in US). These schools have numerous programs to send kids abroad. We got on the bus and Kyle and I stayed busy by entertaining the Thai kids who were watching us from outside the bus. Boy it's moments like these that make us enjoy life.

After this we went home and I fell asleep for the majority of the trip. After we rode the school van to Fah's mom's school where I met some teachers who were hilarious. Trying to talk in English and asking me if the oldest teacher there was beautiful and I got props after saying Beauty comes with Age. It was all very entertaining. After this we went for dinner and here I am. Things are going great! Parents: nothing to worry about, we all miss you nitnoi (which means just a little bit in Thai). Only joking Mom and Dad, I miss you much but this is truly an experience to last a lifetime!


R Crow said...

Max it looks like the kids always have uniforms on at school...maybe something you would like to propose once you are home? Mr. Shimshak may propose it? Glad all is well...what has been your favorite food????

We all are thinking of you!

Maxwell said...

Yes the uniforms are actually very nice for the guys. I don't think all of the girls like their skirts but the shirts wick sweat fairly well. The shorts aren't so bad either. Not too short they actually. Favorite food has definitely been these short bananas that are much sweeter than our bananas and definitely the coconuts. Favorite cooked food... hmm it's all good. There is this really good chicken dish with peppers and it's very hot. Very good breakfast food! They eat meat all the time.

Mrs.E said...

Ms. Crow--I like that idea too. Max, do you think the uniforms make the kids more disciplined and focused on school?

Janel said...

From American Legal Systems:
(we just finished reading your blogs... though Ms Anderson feels guilty for not talking about the 6th Amendment)
Randy: "Thanks for the chance to take a nap"
Alyssa:"Give Lee a big hug for me... and Shea... and yourself"
Ben:"Is my dad embarassing you? Keep him in line."
Ewaine: "I wish I were learning right now."
(they are stalling right now so that they can waste more time)
Kendelle: "Stop using the word 'ventured' in your posts..." (she is cranky)
Jacob: "Have you met any babes yet?"
Chelsea: "Did Brianna make it through her fist plane ride okay?"
Katrina: "Where is Rachel... she isn't in many photos... WE WANT MORE RACHEL!!"
April:"Have fun! Take lots of pictures"
Ms A:" We have 12 minutes of class left... plenty of time to do some work!!"

We miss you all!!!!

p.s. we are going to Columbia Co. Jail Thursday... HA!! Don't you wish you hadn't gone to Thailand so you could come!!
p.p.s. Katrina wants you to know you missed a good Swiss Steak dinner with the Legion. Paul Dalton read your letter... everyone cried.
p.p.p.s: There was a high of 32 degrees today and it snowed. We love America.
p.p.p.p.s.: We had baked Chicken for school lunch today... We had chicken fingers on Friday, and Chicken strips tomorrow... TAKE THAT!

Maxwell said...

Randy: My pleasure. I don't get any sleep here also.
Alyssa: Will do Alyssa. I miss you!
Ben: Ben your dad is incredible at learning languages and the Thai people keep commenting on how good he is.
Ewaine: Sorry Ewain. ;)
Kendelle: Yeah I know I need a better vocabulary like you!
Jacob: It's not all in looks. One time here in Thailand the teachers (friends of my host mom's) asked if the oldest woman teacher (who was near us) if she was beautiful and I said "age brings beauty". Remember that. Find a woman who can make you happy. She doesn't have to be the most beautiful in the world...
Chelsea: She's doing wonderful.
Katrina: Rachel wasn't there on the day we went to Dream World. I will try to get some up!
April: Fun is being had.
Ms A: Sounds like usual. Haha, Fah (my host sister) commented on how nice you are.

Sorry about missing the dinner but I'm not missing the school lunches.

Anonymous said...

I envy students in Bankok. their lunch time is so particularly delicious that they wouldn't ever come back to classes for sure, but the mayor reason is because food in Thailand is aphrodisiac, it's something like that blue pill called Generic Viagra.