Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another update...

Things are going insanely awesome here! I can't really speak for everyone (but I'm sure most agree) that this is a memory making experience that will last a lifetime. I'm going to go over what we did today and then I'm going to do what I call a topic of the post. In today's topic I'll be talking about the traffic system in Suphan Buri (and the rest of Thailand presumably).

Today was a jam-packed day. I woke up to a great breakfast of chicken (yes I eat more meat than anything now, it's impossible to be a vegetarian in Thailand and every time I try to explain it I get laughed at). After breakfast I went outside to have a look around at the request of my host father. He came out to join me and insisted that I cut down a handful of coconuts from the tree. I've developed quite the fancy for coconuts since being here and I gladly obliged. After cutting down four and chopping them open I proceeded to trimming a bush that was overflowing from the roof. Very interesting experience considering there was a red ant nest I was unaware of. But I'll save that story for later.

Afterwards we ventured to the Suphan Buri museum with a handful of other students which contains the best life like wax people I've ever seen. After going to another museum about a ex-PM we went to the 100 year market where I stood out like a sore thumb. Alecia has a good picture for all who care to see later. Here we ate at a somewhat different restaurant (despite what everyone says about getting sick, no one has experienced any trouble to my knowledge, so no worries anyone). After venturing through the market we went to an aquarium for an alligator show. After this I went with my family to a very nice restaurant on a river where I ate shrimp and fish served whole. This was excellent and despite not being able to stomach meat at home, I just shove it down here and most of the time enjoy it. They cook so well here.

Now I'm sitting at home typing this while my family is watching a Korean Soapopera. I would like to talk a little about the Thai transportation system. In a conversation with my host father he revealed he does not like it. I have never seen so many motor bikes in my life. They drive on the shoulder in what seems to be a third lane (most roads are two lanes on either side). Most people do not abide by speed limits or by the road lines. No problem because I have seen a single accident yet. I don't think there are many posted speed limits either but my host father drives under it usually anyways. He drives very interestingly sometimes too. While I'm used to driving manual he does it in a completely different fashion. For those that know, generally you down shift when you go around a corner or slow down a lot. He does not down shift at all and will go 10 kilometers an hour in fifth gear which can't be good for the engine: if only you could hear it. It's crazy! That's about it for the transportation system. I'm not worried about getting in an accident it's just so chaotic.

Things are going well here. No worries whatsoever. I don't think it could get better!


Janel said...

Amazing Amazing Amazing!! Photos are so awesome!
I hope your digestive systems keep holding up!!
How is Brianna? ALS misses you both!

Laura Love said...

So, your dad doesn't cook meat well, huh?! He still says that you are welcome back home... after the Thanksgiving turkey!

We both can't wait to hear all of your stories and to give you big hugs!

Love, Mom and Dad

Mrs.E said...

You know, Ms. Love,I thought the same thing about Max's reference to the cooking of meat. I can see Max having to do a lot of his OWN cooking when he returns. :>)