Monday, December 1, 2008


today we took a trip to the beach. It wasn't a jaw-dropping beach but it was pretty and the sun came out for us. We all got a bit sun-burned even with sun screen. The sad thing was that it was almost entirely dominated by Farang (foreigner). Oh well, it was a nice chance to relax. Tomorrow we go on a short cruise around some islands which are supposed to be beautiful. We're getting a bit of touring around Phuket here and there but we are also working on school work. We have a structured schedule now with breakfast, then a meeting, an activity, homework time, dinner, and finally free time before bed. Nice to have some control over what we do. For those of you following Thailand and its international news I will be doing a better post tonight on the best news I have tonight from a few different sources.


R Crow said...

Well Max, we had a 2 hour delay today because of the snow. it is quite beautiful, but then again it is only our second snow. Glad you all are enjoying some down time and getting to catch up on some homework.

We still do not have a lot of information about what is going on there. We did hear that the airplanes are allowed to leave Bangkok which is good.

Keep the sunblock on and don't study too much! Love, Mrs. Crow

Laura Love said...

Actually, it looks like they were empty planes. Australian visitors are taking a bus to fly out of Phuket, too! (Looks like about 300of them!)