Tuesday, November 18, 2008


trying to upload first video on the BLOG! It's at the formal dinner for the director of Sa-nguan Ying school who is transferring. Euu (if that's even how you spell it) is very funny and the more and more Kyle and I talk to him the more we like his humor.


Ms. Aderhold said...

The food looks terrific! How much weight have you gained?
We think about you daily and are very excited to hear more about your trip and adventures when you return. As we get ready for International Ed Week here at LHS I can't help being a bit jealous that you are truly experiencing international education.
Have fun and stay safe.
Mrs. A

Janel said...

Max - you're such a goof ball... dog, duck... quite a dilema :)
I am glad I got a glimpse at Brianna!!

Laura Love said...

Maxwell, go easy with the Flip!! You have to hold it steady, Bud, please. You're going to make the viewers sick. :)

Keep it up, though. Could you video/interview a couple of LHS students about their experiences briefly?

Love, LL (Mom)