Thursday, December 4, 2008

Almost home...

today was our last eventful day. We went to Patong beach which is one of the most popular beaches in Phuket. It was very beautiful and we went in the water and went shopping around at some shops after lunch. We also found some other interesting things that we'll be sure to discuss when we get home. Life is good let's put it that way. Mai pen ray.

Then we came home and went out to dinner at a very nice restaurant. It was half Chinese and half Thai seafood. Very good. Then we went for some grocery shopping and our last ice cream at Swensons. Rachel and I had fun in an Eat-off each buying the (meant for two people) Earthquake with eight scoops and assorted toppings. Let's just say I'm feeling it now. We're back at the hotel working on some homework and watching some DVDs. Tomorrow is packing day. YAY!


Janel said...

We are looking forward to seeing your (tan) faces again!!
Enjoy the trip home and try not to do anything that will get you caned while in Signapore!
See you soon!!
Ms Anderson

Geoff V said...

Hello Everyone,
ah,packing day. It is going to be great having you home unpacking, even if it only for a week. Then you'll be packing for the cold and ABR. Right Rachel.

R Crow said...

Can't wait to have you all back at school...Hopefully the snow and cold won't send you all into shock!

Safe travels! Mrs. Crow

PS. it was 4 degrees this morning